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Wellness coaching focuses specifically on the areas of life

that affect optimal health & wellness.

Create a clear, concise vision; 

Learn to set realistic, attainable goals; 

Receive weekly accountability & support overcoming challenges;

Build resources; 

Celebrate success!

wellness coaching

Virtual Training Promotion
Top Nutritionists in Boston
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complimentary consultation

Programs are custom designed for each individual, small group or organization. Set-up a consultation to learn more about our integrative approach and to decide whether working together is right for you.
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Wellness coaching focuses on the areas of life that affect optimal health & wellness.


Wellness coaching goals are often centered around bringing health risk factors into normal ranges: Weight loss, reducing blood pressure, decreasing LDL cholesterol, raising HDL cholsterol, lowering glucose & A1C, etc... Wellness coaching Newton, Greater Boston will provide you with the education around how different types of foods and types of exercise (cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility training) impact your health. Then, we'll identify which lifestyle changes will provide you the best results to achieve your goals and create a realistic, acheivable plan. Finally, we'll discuss what type of accountability will support you best. Wellness coaching is available for in-person or virtual sessions.

Building healthy habits around nutrition and movement, decreasing stress,and improving sleep are the cornerstone of health changes. Life purpose,life satisfaction and relationships all affect the foundation of well-being and are often included as secondary goals in wellness plans.

the design session

All coaching programs begin with a 2-hour Design Session. This is the starting point for your program. Before we meet you will be sent a confidential Health History & Lifestyle Questionnaire to complete. It includes a section to outline your goals and provide input about what will best support you in the coaching process. During this meeting we will complete the following: Wellness Vision, 3-Month Goals & First Week's Goals. After your session, you will receive a written document including all of the above. If any of your goals require a medical release we will obtain this from your physician so any direction can me included in your program. Your privacy is our priority. Our programs are HIPAA compliant.

Clients often work with me to avoid the need to begin taking medications, or to reduce or eliminate their medications. If this is one of your goals, we will work with your medical team to approve and supervise your goals and program.

getting started

I am a Wellcoaches® Certified Health & Wellbeing Coach and have been in private practice for 18 years.

Coaching sessions are available in 30-45 minute or 60-minute sessions. Remote sessions can be held via phone or Zoom. One hour sessions are available in-person for wellness coaching Newton, Greater Boston area clients. Integrative wellness programs are our area of expertise. Include a personal training component to your program to learn proper form, breathing & pace - improving results and reducing the risk of injury. Pilates, yoga, barre and personal training are all available as a part of your wellness coaching program.

• Initial 2-hour Design Session: $250.
• (4) 30-45 minute virtual sessions: $400.
• (4) 1-hour virtual or in-person sessions: $460.
• Complimentary travel within 30-minutes of Newton.

Complimentary travel range includes most areas of the following cities & towns:

Newton | Wellesley | Weston | Watertown | Waltham | Wayland | Belmont | Brookline | Concord | Cambridge | Dover | Dedham


core harmony | 897 Washington Street, #600298 | Newton, MA 02460 USA | (617) 794-7123
© 2024 core harmony

wellness coaching

Wellness coaching goals are often centered around bringing health risk factors into normal ranges: Weight loss, reducing blood pressure, decreasing LDL cholesterol, raising HDL cholsterol, lowering glucose & A1C. Building healthy habits around nutrition and movement, decreasing stress, and improving sleep are the cornerstone of these changes. Life purpose, life satisfaction and relationships all affect the foundation of well-being and are often included as secondary goals in wellness plans.

the design session

All coaching programs begin with a 2-hour Design Session. During this meeting we will complete the following: Wellness Vision, 3-Month Goals & First Week's Goals. After your session, you will receive a written document including all of the above. If any of your goals require a medical release we will obtain this from your physician so any direction can me included in your program.

getting started

Coaching sessions are available in 30-45 minute or 60-minute sessions. Remote sessions can be held via phone or Zoom. One hour sessions are available in-person for Boston area clients.

Programs are structured in 12-week sections. The 90-day commitment gives you time to get started, make progress, overcome a few challenges and continue to succeed. Many goals can be reached in one section. Larger goals may take longer to fulfill. After achieving your goals, a maintenance plan is recommended. Most maintenance plans drop back to bi-weekly sessions and progress to monthly check-in's.

• Initial 2-hour Design Session: $250.
• (4) 30-45 minute sessions: $400.
• (4) 1-hour sessions: $440.
• Complimentary travel within 30-minutes of Newton, MA
